
qichbadi 2024-04-28 09:03:53


On Oct 24, Li asked the Shenzhen Longgang district people's procuratorate to remove the influence, rehabilitate the reputation, and make an apology, as well as pay compensation of 78,985 yuan in personal liberty damages and 50,000 yuan in emotional damages, based on the grounds of "insufficient evidence for arrest, and then stopping the investigation for criminal responsibility".


On Friday, despite local authority's warning, a number of protesters threw rocks and bottles, and police responded with pepper spray and teargas and dispersed them.

On Oct. 29, Weakley told AAA he was in an “extreme state of fatigue and suffering insomnia and depression due to the sheer lack of sleep,” according to the suit. He planned to take a 34-hour break to recover.


On Jan 25, Zhongguancun Science City in Beijing called on tech firms and research groups in Haidian District to develop AI solutions for infrared temperature screening systems to improve the accuracy and efficiency of temperature screening in busy pedestrian areas.

On Monday, the Germany's Federal Motor Transport Authority noted that registration numbers of new cars with alternative drive types showed a "triple-digit growth" in September compared to last year.

On Saturday, a woman in her 60s from Tochigi prefecture, north of Tokyo, who was on the ship with her husband, was confirmed to be infected.


On Sept 17, the Bruegel, a well-known think tank, hosted a gathering of economic experts on the Chinese and European Union, under the theme "Peril and Potential: China-US-EU Trade Relations". The Chinese delegation was headed by Zhou Xiaochuan, president of China Society for Finance and Banking and adviser of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.

On Sunday, the Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region condemned United States senator Ted Cruz's remarks regarding Hong Kong's ongoing violent protests.


On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in his office with Ford Motor Company Executive Chairman William Clay Ford who was an honored guest of the EcoMotion week.

On Friday, China's five-year treasury bond futures opened lower, with the contract for settlement in September 2018 opening 0.01 percentage point lower at 97.63 yuan.

声明:资讯来源于网络,属作者个人观点,仅供参考。 投诉
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